Seven Mental Models That Will Make You Wealthy

Whether you like it or not, you are the sum of your habits. Successful people understand. They know that your habits define you. They shape you in ways that you may not even realize. You need to become aware of them because if you aren’t careful, your habits will make you poor.

Habits exist in all aspects of our financial well-being. They include everything from your daily spending decisions to how you invest. All of the little things impact your decision-making.

Below are the seven metal models that I personally use to program my mind for financial success.

1. Expect Success

It all comes down to your expectations. Wealthy people expect to be wealthy. Unlucky people expect the opposite. Do you really believe that one day you will be able to become wealthy? You should.

This is the first step.

Everything Comes Down to Frame

In the landmark book “Psycho-Cybernetics” Maxwell Maltz writes about how success and self-image are linked.

The book starts with the idea that everyone is defined by their mental portrait. This mental portrait is a combination of our past experiences, feelings, and behaviors. This image is the foundation upon which we build our personality.

Success is a mindset. If you believe that wealth will elude you, it will.

This concept is similar to the psychological phenomenon known as the self-fulling prophecy.

The important lesson is to have high expectations for yourself.

Your frame of mind will snowball into even more wealth and success.

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2. Develop a Growth Mindset

The Growth Mindset is the most powerful belief system. It is the idea that you can develop your own abilities. This will give you an advantage because your confidence will improve. Growth mindset individuals believe in the power of change.  

The opposite of the growth mindset is the Fixed Mindset. This is poor a mindset because if you believe that you are incapable of change, then you will accomplish very little. It is a dull and sad outlook on life. People who believe that talent is fixed tend to quit tasks easily. 

Have the courage to believe that your talents are not “fixed” 

When you believe in growing, your life will become more exciting. You will seek out opportunities to gain experience. Experience equals growth and life will begin to look like an adventure.  

Embrace change.

3. Understand that Debt is Slavery

Anyone with debt is a slave to the banking industry.

I know colleagues that paid over 200K for a college degree. They are still paying it off in their 40s. They live in everyday life in fear, just like prisoners. This is no way for a man to live. 

I am not saying to avoid all debt. But you need to be smart about it.

If you have debt, understand you need to pay it off quickly.

A man who is fully leveraged is a man that is one-step away from bankruptcy.

From a mindset perspective, I cannot express with words how good it feels to be debt-free. Once you pay off your debts your mind will become FREE.

There is a REAL psychological shift.

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4. Embrace the Stoic Mindset

Stoicism will become your armor to protect against a society that wants you broke. Society is built to leave you wanting more. The stoic mindset is the perfect mental frame to counter the traps laid out by our hyper-consumeristic society. 

You will need to learn about Stoicism to help you control desire. I recommend reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. It is a journal of his thoughts. 

Think like a Roman Emperor. Train your mind to focus on what you can control.

Wealth is all about perspective.

(You can access Mediations and other famous Stoic writings when you purchase 100 Mental Models)

5. Think of Making Money as a Game

Whenever I embark on a new endeavor, I think of it like playing a video game. I apply this same concept to building wealth. It helps make the process fun. 

I want you to try this thought experiment.

Think about your attributes as a person… What if life were an actual RPG? Would your stats be when it comes to money? 

Knowledge 81 Vision 90 Creativity 72 Work Ethic 60 Salesmanship 45

Identify your weaknesses and think about where you need to do to grow.

Leveling-up in real-life is no different than leveling-up in an RPG.

In an RPG, you must complete quests (adventures) to gain experience.

So, start taking some Real Life Quests. Start a side hustle. Start a business. Learn how to create value.

Understand that everything you do in life has meaning. What you do, becomes who you are. 

You can spend $500 on a PS5 or you can purchase the Agency Course (for much less) and use that money to build an empire. 

Use your time and energy to level up in real life. Not virtual.

6 Turn off the TV

You need to distance yourself from the world of advertising immediately. 

“Throw your TV out the window.” - Robert Riker

Advertising shifts our perception of a certain product subtly, without you even knowing it.

It is designed just to do that. 

Advertising executives are literally trained psychologists. They know exactly what buttons to push in your mind. They have been studying human behavior for centuries and they know exactly how to exploit it.

Don't believe me? Look around. It is no accident that you buy more than you need.

Why do you desire it? Because you have been programmed to do so.

Trillions of dollars are spent by the major corporations just to make you adopt the lifestyle of consumption. That is why most people are broke. They are programmed to be broke.

Remember, there is a reason why TV is free.

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7 Mindset Shift from Consumerism

“Keeping up with the Joneses” is a dangerous mentality. 

I literally know people who take out loans, to take out more loans. Limit your time spent with these people.

Most of society acts and thinks just like this. They live paycheck-to-paycheck because they spend everything they earn. If you take time to think about our behavior it seems downright silly and irrational. 

No one believes that happiness is tied to material goods. 

But everyone lives like it does.

Instead, keep friends that have the same mentality of building toward wealth. If you are surrounded by like-minded individuals your odds of success with increase greatly. 

Curate all aspects of your life.


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