Rules for Life

I have a theory… People secretly love rules.

I realized this while teaching public school for 20 years. When you give children firm rules, they perform better. It’s that simple. Humans innately crave structure because rules keep our minds focused. They give us direction. Naturally, every man needs a set to of rules to live by.

These are my set of rules…

1. The world doesn't owe you anything

If you want something done, you need to work for it yourself. You aren't entitled to anything. Get rid of the victim mindset. You won’t go anywhere in life if you have one. Remember, no one owes you a dime (and that’s a good thing). Your life is in your hands. All the wins, all the losses. That is what makes life exciting.

2. Do not help people who will not help themselves

Some people want to be in a bad place. Let them be. Spend your energy with people who appreciate you (or on yourself). I’ve seen people dedicate their lives to trying to help people who do not want help. It doesn’t end well for either party. Stop wasting time. It’s not your job to save everyone.

3. Work smarter, not harder

Productivity isn’t about working nonstop, it’s about working smarter. Don't pay any attention to people who tell you that you need to constantly hustle. Take breaks. You need downtime to recharge. Get out and enjoy life.

4. Make peace with your parents

This is the biggest piece of advice I have for younger men. Blaming your parents is low-value behavior. Be better than that and forgive them. The day you start living is the day you forgive your parents. Your life begins on that day. Understand that your parents are only human (so are you). We all make mistakes. Forgive your parents and take full responsibility for your actions moving forward. They tried the best they can.

5. Adopt the growth mindset

Think of failure as an opportunity. There is no such thing as a setback. Everything comes to you in the form of a learning experience.  This is what it means to adopt a growth mindset. See life as a world full of possibilities.

Note: Every successful person I know has adopted a growth mindset.

6. No one cares more than you

Your success is entirely dependent on your actions. No one else can make you a successful person. It’s all on you. Start by giving your life the attention it deserves. There is nothing holding you back from getting what you want. Take control. Do the work. No one is ever going to step in and do it for you.

7. Learn how to say no

When you say yes to everything, you live life on others people's terms. Stop letting others dictate your life. Learn how to say no. Your life is your priority.

8. Be kind to people (that deserve it)

This lesson is about respecting life. If you project positive energy into the world, the world will send positive energy back. Show respect to the world. Be kind. Value the world that you live in by giving it what you want in return.

9. Focus on habits, not goals

"You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems." - JamesClear

Habits are the building blocks of progress. They are manageable. They are easily achievable. Create enough good habits and you will meet your goals.

10. Stop being needy

You need to know what you want out of life. Command respect. Live life the way you want and find your tribe. Being needy is a also sign of being insecure. Know what you want and find your purpose. Let others come to you (they will find you). Do not chase, attract.

11. Take time to appreciate nature

Life is beautiful. Take time to spend time in nature. Go on pointless walks. Soak in the sunshine. You were put on Planet Earth for a reason. Enjoy your time here.

12. Create something new every day

Creativity is the pathway to authenticity. The more you create, the more you discover who you truly are. The process of building is what makes you better. And the process of creating is where you learn.

13. Have high standards

Standards are quality control for life. With high standards, you will develop a stronger identity. People will respect you more. Never attach your name to anything mediocre. Life is too short to be average. Make excellence a choice.

14. Approach life with an optimistic mindset

The more optimistic you are, the more successful you are. This is a scientific fact. Begin to see the glass as half full instead of half empty. You will be shocked at how easy it is to succeed when you think you can. Your mindset is a choice.

15. Stop caring about what others think

No one else's opinion should matter more than yours. Most people are too ill-informed to make sound judgments for you. You are probably putting them on a pedestal. Remember, they do not have all the data (you do). In your life, you call the shots.

16. Make your own decisions in life

Stop following the masses (they are usually wrong). Worst of all, their opinion is shaped by the media. People tend to accept what is easy. When given a choice they will choose comfort and avoid fear. Believe what you see with your own eyes.

17. Never take your family for granted

Family is the most important thing that exists. Never forget this. Tell family members that you love them. Cherish your time with them. Spend time with them. They will not be with you forever.

18. Earn more money. Spend Less.

This is how you become wealthy. It's not difficult. I think of every single one of my dollars as if they were a soldier. I deploy them into income-generating assets. Pointless purchases are viewed as attrition (avoid). Invest the rest and let it grow. Be patient. If you show respect to money, it will respect you back.

19.  Trust your gut instincts.

Your gut reacts a certain way because it has been conditioned to do so. It is a natural response. You may not recall the reason, but there is one. Trust your gut feelings because they are logical.

20. Teach others what you know

Knowledge is power. Do not be selfish with it. Pass on what you know to younger generations. Give people the tools that they need to become more independent. Teach self-reliance. Everyone wins.

21. The perfect moment is right now

If you’re always waiting for the perfect moment to start, then you’ll never begin. It is just another form of procrastinating. You need to understand that the best time to start improving the quality of your life is right now.


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